TQS – Ch. 4

CHAPTER FOUR. Connecting the Dots: Make It REAL  

How much of your creative energy is tied up in guilt, hatred, resentment, lack or fear? The truth is that you could be using all that energy to re-create a new destiny. . . The evidence clearly shows that we are bound by an invisible field of light-information that influences us and others. Imagine what can happen when we all [meditate to raise the planet’s frequency] at the same time to change the world. Dr. Joe Dispenza (Becoming Supernatural).

The Shift

This has been going on for some time now. In 2014, in Rethinking Survival, I wrote:

“Over the same time my thinking has evolved, others have been working to the same end.

“I’ve watched as an ongoing number of books have come out, each challenging the exclusively materialistic paradigm. With the mainstreaming of yoga, tai chi and alternative approaches to healing starting in the 1970s, teachers have been chipping away at the old paradigm block.

“American students continued the work of their Asian mentors. They earned their academic degrees and then, as qualified professionals, began to mainstream and integrate the best of Asian healing and philosophical traditions with Western sciences.

“Notable proponents of complementary medicine reflect the influence of Japanese, Indian and Chinese teachers. Though too numerous to know or name entirely, they include Andrew Weil, Dean Ornish, Patch Adams, Daniel Goleman and Howard Gardner.

“Each has gently, tactfully, but persistently been wearing away at the medical model my cardiologist father found so inhumane.

“On another front, books promoting Total Quality Management and the Tao of Leadership began to chip away at the authoritarian, competition paradigm. They compared the results of alternative leadership styles, particularly in the highly competitive Japanese auto industry, to the way America was doing business.

“Stephen Covey’s book, First Things First, was a primary mover in this new direction. Tony Robbins’ book Awaken the Giant Within and work as a motivational speaker began to energize the American business sector, one person at a time.

“A whole generation of writers was incrementally paving the way, creating public readiness for the Quantum Paradigm to reemerge in its entirety. Instrumental to this process is the emergence of the paradigm concept itself. General awareness was being stirred that there is more than the one way we take for granted now. Paradigms aren’t absolute. They shift.”

Ten years later, by 2024, a next generation, building of the work of the last, has emerged. So Chapter Four catalogues a wide range of specialists, each preaching a variation on the theme of quantum reality to their own choirs. Their work contributes pieces to the mosaic picture now taking shape, all adhering to the pattern of the Life Wheel.

Keeping relatively low profile, each has synchronistically intuited the basics of quantum reality. Together, they are incrementally laying the foundation of the major paradigm shift in progress.

When I say what seemed impossible will become inevitable, it’s because the emergence of the Quantum Paradigm has been quietly building and gaining ground for a long time. After reaching the 100th monkey threshold, it may seem as if it came out of the blue. In fact, it’s becoming familiar enough that people can recognize it. It’s a zeitgeist whose time has come.

Each individual piece of the larger picture is necessary to the whole. Each fits within the pattern of the Life Wheel.  It’s now time to connect the dots and make it REAL, see the whole picture which is emerging and set it in motion — full throttle.


Two representative forerunners so closely echo the quantum Life Wheel dynamic that I’ve written on them before. I’ll draw upon that earlier language here. The first is Napoleon Hill, father of the still proliferating number of Law of Attraction teachers. The primary premise of the LoA is, “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” I wrote:

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, originally printed in March of 1937, was commissioned by the aging steel magnate and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. He interviewed their generation’s greatest inventors and businessmen to find the common thread woven through their phenomenal success.

“What Hill discovered is that without exception, all intuitively lived the inside-out pattern. Each carved out a personal creative path that started with inspiration, vision and faith. Vision was converted into detailed plans driven by passionate conviction and commitment. In turn, unshakable commitment was turned into tireless, consistent action focused on a single goal. This three-part combination led to results beyond their wildest dreams.

“Hill’s work, along with veteran prosperity teachers like Bob Proctor (who spoke of Think and Grow Rich almost as if it were a Bible), made this inside-out pattern common, familiar knowledge. As a result, most of us now accept that thoughts and beliefs create emotional responses which in turn drive behavior. Our current lifestyle is the end result of our choices and actions over time.”

Placed within the quantum Life Wheel , the three steps of the pattern look like this:


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 A second forerunner is the peerless Marisa Peer. Like Dr. Joe Dispenza, she draws on neuroscience to rewire the subconscious mind, practicing a deep hypnosis a method she calls Rapid Transformational Therapy,

“According to Marisa, the subconscious mind doesn’t tolerate conflict. That’s why we can’t get results by chanting positive affirmations when they go against the grain of childhood programming. So the first job is to clear out counter-productive, unconscious programming installed in the middle e=energy level that no longer serves. Only then we can safely proceed to install positive new beliefs and get consistent results.

“Marisa is both a prolific author and the beloved therapist to royalty, rock stars, fabulously rich actors, olympic athletes and other celebrities (as well as the rest of us).

“Cutting straight to the core, she’s learned from her famous clients what they share in common. Despite superficial fame and fortune, they’re deeply unhappy. Opulent lifestyles only highlight an inner sense of lack.

“She’s had brilliant success by restoring the inner awareness that, regardless of whatever childhood traumas are buried inside, still deeper, we are really enough.

“When Marisa puts clients into hypnosis, she’s reprogramming the subconscious mind. She intones and commands, “Go deep. Deeper and still deeper.” Here’s what it looks like:


In essence, she’s relaxing the mind and body, slowing the breath and altering the brainwave state from beta to alpha or theta. That’s where we best unlearn and then relearn.

Marisa compares the subconscious mind buried in the e = energy level of the Life Wheel to a wild horse. Or to a Ferrari sports car. The conscious mind is the rider. The driver. But we’ve never been given the skills to tame the wild animal within. “We don’t have operator manuals (the Book of Change being one of them) to drive our marvelous Ferrari.”

Now into her 90s, she has made it her life work to show us how to tame the beast. She gives us an operator’s manual for making the most of our wonderfully powerful vehicle, e-motion – the subconscious.

Marisa’s clients trace lack of confidence and financial ills to childhood memories, usually variations on the theme of ‘not enoughness.’ So in YouTube videos, she instructs viewers to write ‘I am enough’ in lipstick on the bathroom mirror. Post it on the fridge. Use it for a ring tone or computer wallpaper. Wear it inscribed on bracelets to remember our enoughness.

The results are amazingly quick and long-lasting. Without verbalizing, the connection with deeper (spiritual) essence –enoughness — is restored.



As introduction to a list of similar Quantum Paradigm forerunners, I wrote commented:

The reason most of us aren’t successful is that our Life Wheels are bent out of shape. We’ve been programmed into the limiting beliefs of a society that operates on the obsolete empirical science paradigm. So our lives are fractured. We’re unaware of our natural power. Sleep walking through life, we’re disconnected from our center.

Like Lambert, the Sheepish Lion, we’ve forgotten who we truly are.  

“Dangerously, we’ve become powerless to access the middle e = energy level of the subconscious mind. Instead of using it, it uses us. The tail wags the dog.

However, when all the levels of the Life Wheel are coordinated and working in harmony, our lives are synch with the quantum field of infinite possibility. We are able to link inner vision with the energy level and harness them to get intentional results.

But when the Life Wheel is fractured, this can’t happened. Our energy levels become congested with residual programming left over from early childhood that operates outside awareness, usually at odds with conscious intention. We undo ourselves, not knowing why or what to do about it.

We’re at a loss because schools don’t teach us the basics of social survival. We’ve never learned how to observe our thoughts, monitor our feelings, or create successful relationships. We’ve never been given methods of mental metabolism for processing daily experience. Because just as we have to process the food we eat on a daily basis — assimilate what’s good for us and eliminate the rest – we have to do the same thing with outside influences bombarding us from every direction.

If we didn’t eliminate physical toxins on a regular basis, the body would become bloated and sick. In the same way, when we don’t process our thoughts and feelings, mental and emotional toxins build up. The energy level gets cluttered. We feel “overwhelmed” and “sick and tired” of life. Energy is depleted. We get depressed. Or worse.

We urgently need tools and methods for keeping the energy body healthy. Where other cultures teach meditation, introspection and/or provide self-awareness tools like the Book of Change, we are stuck.

Even if we’re aware that we’re angry and unhappy, and can point to the people and situations we blame for our negative emotions, rarely are we offered means to transcend and transform toxic energies which eat us alive from the inside out.

We’re not even aware that these means exist, or that we owe it to ourselves to seek them out, to restore our health and realign our lives with the complete and correct paradigm of wholeness which is our birthright. “How can we claim to be free when our civilization, though it prides itself on freedom, makes us slaves to unconscious programming and unnatural, fractured limitations?”


Secondarily, a biblical pattern is emerging: variations on the theme of David versus Goliath. Right on schedule, astrologically speaking, across a wide range of the professions and institutions, individuals of outstanding integrity and courage are standing tall to expose the corruption within monolith institutions.

In most cases, the corruption they’re challenging is symptomatic of an underlying, corrupt paradigm. And the common sense solutions being offered represent a broadening of perspective to a more honest, humane and inclusive one. The examples of this dynamic described here are but a few, representative cases. And I freely admit that, unfortunately, from my American point of view, the ones most familiar to me don’t adequately represent a world-wide movement taking place. I urge readers, both in the U.S. and abroad, to comment from their own experience, adding to the long list that deserves to be acknowledged.


One example is the work of Dr. Daniel Amen. A psychiatrist with radiology background gained during military service, he consciously recognizes that he’s forging a paradigm shift in the mental health profession.

Dr. Amen takes issue with the fact that psychiatry is the only field of medicine which doesn’t take pictures of the affected organ: the brain. He objects to prescribing drugs on the basis of symptoms alone as being undependable, at best.

For example, he’s identified seven different centers in the brain, each of which, when out of balance, produce the symptoms attributed to ADHD. In two of the seven cases, prescribing ritilan works wonders. In the other five, the same drug has counterproductive effects.

Dr. Amen describes four interactive levels of human health. three of which correspond directly with the levels of the quantum Life Wheel. There’s what he calls the hardware — the m=mass, physical body. There’s software — the e=energy, mental/emotional component. There’s a spiritual component — the c=light aspect. The fourth aspect that impinges upon intrinsic well-being is the influence of our social networks, from family and local community, to schools, employment and larger national environments.

Are there “haters” who oppose his findings? Yes. He says there’s predictable backlash from old paradigm protectors when he exposes frequently prescribed, expensive drugs as being antithetical to healing. Big pharma and large hospitals who don’t stand to profit from his findings aren’t fans.

In the field of martial arts, Bruce Lee’s experience stands out as an example of the resistance fellow practitioners had towards sharing knowledge. On the premise that knowledge is power, traditional Chinese teachers insisted that their wisdom be kept secret, withheld from Westerners. Lee was severely “disciplined” (he was attacked and his back broken) for freely teaching his methods in the U.S.

His daughter Shannon continues his work. In one YouTube video, she actually points to the familiar image of wheels-within-wheels. It’s a simplified but true to-the-original version of Old Avatar’s MPI Standard, “Be aware of what you’re doing and why.”

She makes no distinction between the levels of Light and Source of Light, but perhaps to her way of thinking, Source permeates the field. Shannon starts out by saying, in effect, that her father wasn’t fragmented. By intention, he lived life fully, from the inside out, as a consistent whole.  

“’There was just one, unified, total Bruce Lee,’ she says. He gave the world a perfect example of what’s possible for all of us – the Unified Field Theory personalized and made real in practice.”  

Among healers who’ve bucked the norm, Marisa Peer (a mental health therapist) overcame crippling injuries with a mind-over-matter approach that demonstrates quantum realities. She was told by doctors she was infertile, yet bore a healthy daughter. She’s overcome cancer twice. 

When run over by a car, breaking both legs, doctors informed Marisa that she was unlikely to walk again. Even If she did, the lengths of her legs would be unequal. She found that unacceptable, and came up with a mental practice by which she repaired herself entirely. And since then, she’s taught to heal themselves as well.   

More famously, Dr. Joe Dispenza’s back was badly broken in a car accident. The prognosis: he was unlikely to ever walk again. Second and third opinions agreed that the bones of his spine would have to be fused with metal rods. 

But he declined, and through thought alone restored his body to perfect health. Since then, he’s made a career of teaching others the methods he used to heal himself. 

Repeatedly, Dr. Joe observes that whatever the reason students originally come to his seminars . . . whether they want health, wealth or a better relationship, in the end, what they really want is wholeness. Exactly the gift of organizing life around the center of the archetypal quantum wheel.  

Notable among physicians is Dr. Rasheed Buttar. Against his express wishes, his wife (now former) had their young son vaccinated. After the boy regressed into a severely autistic state, the doctor ardently prayed to his God to find way to heal him. And succeeded. 

Along similar lines, there’s a long list of physicians reporting negative side effects of vaccines. Dr, Christiane Northrop, for example, an oby gyn specialist, was among the first to warn the public that pregnant women who took the COVID vax aborted. Not only did they lose their babies, but were later reported to be infertile. 

RFK Jr., successfully took on Monsanto, manufacturer of an agricultural pesticide, the cancer-causing Roundup. Later, in The Real Anthony Fauci he went to great lengths to document and publish the horrific story behind the COVID pandemic . 

Another patriot is General Michael Flynn, who was wrongfully persecuted early in Trump’s administration, basically for supporting the president. Now vindicated, he’s taking a leadership in teaching the public how to protect from and counter fifth generational warfare. 

Gen Flynn also publishes a news letter, which recently headlined its exposure of “Secret Kingmakers.” Essentially, he substantiates my thesis finding. A pre-selection process filters out innovators. No one can succeed in entering the selection process as a candidate who doesn’t mirror the views and agendas of the current power holders. (My conclusion in 1978: “Democracy is a myth.”) 

Though some may be surprised that I include him in the mix, Donald J. Trump significantly altered the course of history, preventing what might otherwise have been a slam-dunk globalist takeover.  (My teacher called him a “fly in the ointment.”) 

Though it has been said that fools jump in where angels fear to tread, it took someone with his kind of personality — with humanitarian, patriotic motives — but also a certain thickness of skin — to buck such a dangerous deadly system. 

However fiercely, unjustly attacked, he’s managed to stay standing, weathering “death by a thousand cuts” persecution for thwarting the globalist agenda. His greatest contribution was, arguably, preventing a potentially disastrous Hillary presidency, Whereas globalists anticipated a continuation of Obama’s reign, Trump gave the world a window of time. (According to Patrick Byrne, Obama intended to blackmail her for taking huge bribes, keeping her under his thumb to perpetuate his political agenda behind the scenes.)  

This is no small contribution. For even according to Thomas Sowell, Obama was by far the worst president in U.S. history. The precedents he set undermined democratic institutions. He apologized to the world for America’s beliefs, basically selling us out.  

Unfortunately, throughout his presidency, Trump was undermined by bad advisors. Anthony Fauci in particular. Just imagine what would happen if, in another presidency, he were surrounded by pro-America, Quantum Paradigm advisors, steering him in a positive, productive direction.  

Certainly no one could accuse Trump of being savvy about the Laws of Nature. Like a street fighter, he’s insulted way too many, callously calling them names, hurting their pride, inadvertently triggering backlash. I can image a better version going forward were he to see the error of that way. Trump 2.0.  

In any case, I’d be very sorry if patriots were to leave him stranded, drained financially by seemingly endless lawfare fees. I’d rather see them collectively come to his rescue, with gratitude and respect as a forerunner, most especially for the Abraham Accords. Honor his intention and direction — the reset we owe to him. “Take the best. Leave the rest.”  

Among patriots, Alex Jones and General Michael Flynn offer complimentary perspectives on how to recognize and prevail against the ongoing war between good and evil. Alex Jones details the operations of the globalist agenda and warns of the necessity to stand firm in courage and faith it, to prevail in the emerging next renaissance. General Flynn teaches about Fifth Generation warfare. The deep state uses propaganda, censorship and mind control to enslave and destroy far more efficiently than with overt use of guns or nukes.  

Among the leading edge educators regarding the ET presence among us, Elana Danaan and Michael Salla offer a treasure trove of information. Interestingly, Salla reports on the extremes the deep state has gone to cancel, censor and discredit information about extraterrestrials. The extreme of this repression leads to the logical conclusion that the deep state has much to lose by our awareness of and connection with ETs, that their presence, for the most part, is benign, and that contact would be highly beneficial. 

* * * * *  

Conclusion. Here’s my shortlist by specialty. 

Shining examples from the medical/psychiatric profession include Doctors Zach Bush, David R. Hawkins, Daniel Amen and Christiane Northrop.  

Notable healers: Barbara Ann Brennan, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bradley Nelson and Inna Segal. 

Psychologists: Marisa Peer and Judith Orloff.   

Surviving narcissism bloggers: Dr. Les Carter and Melanie Tonia Evans.   

EFT practitioners: Gary Craig, Nick Ortner, Brad Yates and Robert Smith.   

Patriots include Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Stephen K. Bannon, Dinesh D’Souza, Robert Kiyosaki, Tucker Carlson, and General Michael Flynn. 

Politicians include Donald J. Trump. RFK Jr., Vivek Ramaswami, and Gov. Mike Huckabee.    

Whistleblowers include Edward Snowden, Julian Assange of Wikileaks, and James O’Keefe of Project Veritas. 

Martial artists: Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris.   

Quantum Law of Attraction teachers: Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, Lynne McTaggart and innumerable others, including channelers Abraham-Hicks, Kryon, Bashar, Theo, Paul Selig, and Sue Cimino.   

Physicists: Doctors Ervin Laszlow, Howard Eisenberg, and John Demartini.   

Metaphysicians and angelic light workers. Charles Manly Hall (definition of magic, including shades thereof), Sarah Hall, Melanie Beckler, and Julie Poole.   

ET disclosure: Elana Danaan is an emissary of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. She has written books offering a wide range of information on the subject of ETs, and on her website interviews many with relevant experience and personal insights to offer. Michael Salla hosts a website with ongoing updates on ET information. They speak to each other in combined interviews, and offer complimentary regular news updates from on- and off-world perspectives. 

Last but not least, a growing list of YouTube interviewers are giving a platform to the lot: Next Level Soul Podcast (Alex Farrari), Inspire Nation (Michael Sandler), and Diary of a CEO (Steven Bartlett).    


Films. Starting with The Matrix, too countless to list, and with many more to come. Among TV series, the original Doctor Who, Tom Baker, portrays a benevolent, two-hearted alien among us, repeatedly arriving just in time to prevent takeover and/or annihilation of the human race. 

Star Trek in all its permutations. NB: According to Elana Danaan, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry was in direct communication with ETs. His portrayal of space travel technology (replicators, teleportation, etc.) came from them and was intentionally introduced to familiarize humanity with the possibility of ET contacts and intergalactic space travel.   

The Star Wars movies produced by George Lucas made a significant contribution to the mix.  

By making the unfamiliar now familiar, the cumulative effect of this ongoing work is gently serving to break new ground, creating a general readiness for a collective paradigm shift .   

A detailed reference list of books/movies by Quantum Paradigm forerunners will be included as a starting point for readers who’d like to know more 


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