Quantum Education is KEY

In India, the ancients began their daily yogic practice by chanting the Vedic prayer, “Lead us from darkness to light. Lead us from the unreal to the real.”

They were operating from the quantum definition of Education, which is “to lead to the light; to enlighten.” They lived from a complete and accurate paradigm, discerning the important difference between the m=mass level of the Life Wheel (the ephemeral and therefore “unreal”) and the more inward levels of c=light and silent core Center, the Source of Light (the eternal and hence “real”).

In stark contrast, most of today’s leaders operate from the hollowed out shell of the empirical science paradigm. It rules out everything but the outer, material level of mass — what can be observed, measured, and quantified. What’s called Education is closer to programming, indoctrination and regimentation. Coercion. Because the inner levels of light and Source are excluded from their awareness, leading to light isn’t an option.

In these dark times, it’s becoming increasingly urgent to restore the ancient definition of Education. Because returning to inner light has become a matter of human survival. And leading towards the light is, rightly, by definition, the primary function of true leaders.

Further, returning to the pristine definition of Power is essential to restoring true leadership. True leaders acknowledge the eternal Center of the Life Wheel as the Source of their creative power. Mere politicians who wield surface control through military force, media manipulation and resource allocation miss the mark. In Power vs Force. David R. Hawkins makes the difference between them crystal clear.

An example is Tucker Carlson’s interview with Xi Van Fleet, a survivor of Mao’s cultural revolution. She observed that what’s going on in U.S. now is a repeat of her nightmarish past. She told Tucker that Mao’s Communist elite dominated the media with an iron fist. They controlled public education, rewriting history, because they craved absolute power over the masses.

Bottom line: restoring the language is a necessary first step towards defeating the deep state and its drivers: the globalists. Returning to the perennial philosophy which underpins the world’s truth traditions as well as the quantum paradigm which supports the unified field theory follows.

Importantly, RFK Jr., Donald Trump, General Michael Flynn, Vivek Ramaswami, Alex Jones and Steve Bannon (however greatly their personal styles differ) all agree that a forging a viable future for the nation depends upon successfully returning to the basic American values originally set forth by its founders.

In this quantum worldview, We the People have genuine power. Tyrants don’t. They can fool themselves (and sometimes us) by puffing themselves up, calling themselves powerful. But all they’ve got is mere force. Coercion. Control and dominance. Globalists are hollow, empty shells operating on the flimsiest of paradigms.

We the People overcome these wannabe tyrants by remembering our power and cooperating, joining forces, uniting to overcome globalists with spiritual power. Individuals, like single drops of water, may seem small and insignificant. But when unified — joined as an ocean, they become mighty indeed.

On this Abraham-Hicks and Dr. Hawkins agree: one person aligned with Source is more truly powerful than thousands (or millions) who are not. Christ is but one familiar example.

Lao Tze understood this well, as do those worldwide who cherish the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching:

Now, the practical question arises. “How do we get from here to there?” Knowledge, quantum education, remembering who we are, respecting the unity that holds diversity together like the spokes of a wheel.

The resounding theme of “Wake up, wake up, wake up” runs through current commentary.

To what?

First, to the forces behind the globalists, driving their intentions and actions. But not it’s not enough to expose their horrific, anti-life agenda: what they’re up to and why. Second, it’s to our own inherent power — who we truly are.

It’s time to wake up the “Lambert, the sheepish lion” within each of us.

To this end, quantum Education is KEY. Use popular media, all the arts — every form of communication. in as many languages as possible –to imprint this awareness, vision, on public consciousness. Animate its applications. Publish children’s books and gorgeous, intriguing oracle decks. Make it familiar to every imaginable audience. Accepted most especially by the upcoming generation of leaders.

Make the values inherent in the quantum Life Wheel the common denominator of world civilization going forward. Make it accepted as the concept of what humanity is, what we believe, how we rightly relate to one another: justly, ethically, humbly, with cooperation and respect. 

For example, and this is just my personal opinion, of course. But granting that God indeed called RFK Jr. to run for president, we can’t assume that it was for the literal logical reasons one might assume.

Consider that there might have been a higher, longer-term purpose yielding far greater benefits and blessings which only the process of running for president could achieve . . .  would give him a platform large and loud enough to bring important but buried, ignored issues of quantum significance clearly before the public.

Win or lose the election, he wins. Because in the process of campaigning, he is raising unity consciousness. The lasting power of the values he represents is far greater than temporary political position. The ability to speak to the hearts and minds of the neglected middle class, the willingness to champion the betrayed younger generation — the power to motivate — is far greater than the leftists’ use of force: fear-mongering and intimidation.

He’s stirring, rekindling dormant hope in We the People. Waking them up. Bringing a host of alienated non-voters out of the woodwork, creating a surge, a Lao Tze-like tsunami, if you like — a willingness to reengage in public discourse.

Parallel to General Flynn’s point, he’s encouraging Americans to once again reinvest their attention and effort, become actively involved in influencing the outcomes of governance. They need to shift from being observers to becoming active participants in in all aspects of the governing process. No one person can do it alone, he insists. But with public support from We the People, he’s willing to do the “heavy lifting.”

But first things first. What’s the use of clear and transparent elections if there are no qualified candidates or quantum-educated voters aware of US history and committed to preserving its values?

Again, first things first. Getting rid of corrupt officials without concurrently working to replace the paradigm that creates corruption in the first place would just result in replacing old faces with new ones. Variations of the same old abuses — individuals vulnerable to being selfishly seduced by greed and power for lack of a unified concept of belonging to an interconnected whole. 

So long as “leaders,” much less the populace, are locked in the straitjacket of a false paradigm, operating in the “dark,” the promises of political candidates to achieve this, that and the other goal on the surface remain tragically futile.

First things first. Quantum Education is KEY to positive change.

One final, concluding thought from Buckminster Fuller, with full appreciation for the deeper meaning of Self-educated: